Build effective relationships, make valuable connections, stay in touch with people that matter to you and your business. is made for it.
Integration - Engagement - Conversation - Stream - Photos - Management
Share your photos, websites, likes and more to to LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Digg and lots more.
Strike conversations with a friend or as a group with private messaging. Attach files into conversations are also possible.
Badges: The more active a member is, the more recognition he gets by earning badges. Great for encouraging member engagements!
Beautiful Conversation: Functional yet minimalist layout for conversations with other members of the community.
Attachments: Add photos and files into conversations. Members can communicate better when exchanging attachments.
Stream: Active engagement with other members is the key for a successful community. In EasySocial, there are useful tools that allow everyone to engage better with each other. One of them is the activity stream that gives members the reason to interact.
Private Conversation: Get to know a person better with conversations, and exchange ideas and decisions fast.
Conversation Archives: Keep and store previous conversations that matter to you and for future references.
Group Collaboration: Discuss with one or more friends at the same time. It's a great way to collaborate in the community.
Filtering: Sort conversations that requires more attention and filter them according to read/unread messages.
Successful Interaction in Stream: Active engagement with other members is the key for a successful community. In EasySocial, there are useful tools that allow everyone to engage better with each other. One of them is the activity stream that gives members the reason to interact.
Stream Privacy: Set your own privacy level and define who can view the type of posts that are shared on your stream
Report Stream: Report to the community manager if there is any inappropriate posts or abusive sharing found in the stream.
Storyboard Posting: Post messages, share pictures, websites or anything under the sun are all within your reach.
Bulk Uploading: Speedy uploading process when you select more than one images to upload. Great time saver!
Socializing: Sharing your love and ideas on photos that you like the most are great for user interactions.
Photo Tagging: Tag your photos with your friends. It's a friendly way to better describe the content of the photo.
Email Alerts: Community members will receive email notifications as soon as any new kinds of acitivities happen in the community.
Abuse Reporting: Allow freedom to your community members to help site admin with reporting invalid or spammy content or activities.